Evolution, Cognition, and Behavior Program

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The Evolution, Cognition, and Behavior program focuses on training students to conduct psychological research that emphasizes evolutionary approaches to one or more of the traditional domains of psychology (e.g., social, personality, cognitive, developmental). Students complete core psychology coursework, required departmental courses in statistics and research methods, and additional courses in biology and research methods. All students in the ECB track sub-specialize in statistics and research methods. Our intent is that students develop a sufficient base of research training and publications to compete successfully for jobs in academia, government, and the private sector after the Ph.D. is awarded.

training students to conduct psychological research that emphasizes evolutionary approaches to one or more of the traditional domains of psychology

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Program Progression

The program presently is designed to be completed after five years of residency, though additional years of training may be available contingent on funding.

Sixty approved graduate credits are required, including completion of 6 Master’s thesis credits and 12 Ph.D. dissertation credits.
